Starting from an existing piece, Nacera Belaza expands the original motif in symphonic form, revealing new perspectives. This is an art of rewriting based on dialogue and amplification: the initial framework develops new contours which, beyond gesture and the body, suggest a new way of looking at the world. This constantly changing perspective, always in close-up, creates "an unexpected void that fulfils all our expectations...this is what I have pursued in all my pieces: sculpting this void, giving it a body, making it palpable, sharing it, and finally allowing it to dissolve in the infinite space of our bodies." The art of reinterpretation as the essence of artistic gesture.
Coproduction Festival de Marseille. Avec le soutien du Département des Bouches-du-Rhône, centre départemental de création en résidence
MEETING with the artistic team on the 4th july after the performance and présentation ok the book Nacera Belaza entre deux rives in the presence of the writer Frédérique Villemur (Actes Sud).